Dear Users and Partners

From the 1st of January 2025 we are making an adjustment to the subscription and maintenance pricing of the XtensionIT solutions.
This adjustment will ensure development of new features and support for the upcoming Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central releases.

Shipment Connectors


The prepaid subscription price will increase about 2%.

All subscription prices will be adjusted with the first renewal after the 1st of January 2025. Subscriptions will not be adjusted for the first 12 months from the start of the subscription.

Shipment Connector prices 2025

If the monthly payment option is selected, 20% is added to the price. 

Multi Entity Management

Multi Entity Management pices 2025

Environment = A Business Central Environment / On-premises database 

If the monthly payment option is selected, 20% is added to the price. 


The prepaid subscription price will increase about 2%. 

All subscription prices will be adjusted with the first renewal after the 1st of January 2025. Subscriptions will not be adjusted for the first 12 months from the start of the subscription. 

Maintenance rate (Purchased solutions)

For all renewed Maintenance/Enhancement Plans, XtensionIT will adjust the rate from 18% to 19%. This will align the calculation of the maintenance fee with Microsoft. 

Example of adjustment on Maintenance plans, calculated on the latest Retail price. 

Multi Entity Mangement prices 2025

Warehouse Scanner

Warehouse Scanner prices 2025

If the monthly payment option is selected, 20% is added to the price. 


There is no adjustments to the current subscription pricing for this solution

Super User Tools


There is no adjustments to the current subscription pricing for this solution

Super User Tools prices 2025
Super User Tools prices 2025

If the monthly payment option is selected, 20% is added to the price. 

Contact us

If you have questions feel free to fill the form. We will contact you as soon as possible